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Vol. 1 No. 1 January 2013


Title: Malt Quality and Stem Rust Resistance of Selected Barley Genotypes in Kenya
Author: K. E. Mwando, I. M. Tabu, O. D. Otaye and P.N.Njau
Title: Use of Haccp for Control Salmonella Safety in Meat and Meat Food
Author: Ehsan Majd and Sedigheh Mehrabian
Title: Do Civil Servants Accept Islamic Banking System In Malaysia?
Author: Issham Ismail, Noor Nazmi Mat Desa and Nurul Najwa Ahmad Taupek
Title: Competency Mapping: A Gap Analysis
Author: Jaideep Kaur & Vikas Kumar
Title: Screening of Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil from Seed of Artocarpus Heterophyllus
Author: Shipra Jha & A K Srivastava
Title: Review on Benefits of Agro Forestry System
Author: S. Anitta Fanish & R. Sathya Priya
Title: Ecological and Seasonal Changes in Physico-Chemical Parameters in Rui Lake, Digras
Author: Lachure P.S.,Paresh S. Lachure
Title: Onset of Shoaling Preference in Puntius Sarana Subnasutus
Author: Jilna Alex N.1* and John Thomas K2
Title: Checklist of the Aquatic Macrophytes in Certain Wetlands of Yavatmal District, Maharastra State, India
Author: Mukund Dhore1*, Manik Dhore2, Paresh Lachure1 and Dinesh Dabhadkar3
Title: Financial Status of Select Sugar Manufacturing Units-Z Score Model
Author: N.R.V. Ramana Reddy,K. Hari Prasad Reddy
Title: Ei - The Health Care Initiative for Emotional Labors
Author: J. Venkatesh1 and D. Balaji2
Title: Distribution of Spittlebug Nymph
Author: 1somnath Bhakat, 2pradip Dey & 3arup Kr. Sinha
Title: Respiratory Morbidity among Solid Waste Workers of Surat City
Author: 1jariwala Namrata D, 2christian R.A.
Title: Software Piracy
Author: D.Seetha Mahalaxmi, Dr. S. Viswanatha Raju, Dr. A. Vinay Babu
Title: Mohajir Qaumi Movement (Mqm) (A Linguistic And Racial Political Party1979-1988)
Author: Abdul Qadir Mushtaq
Title: The State Of Democracy in Pakistan
Author: Wajahat Qazi



ISSN: 2411-5681

Journal Information

Frequency: Monthly
Publication: Online & Print
Impact Factor: 2024 ~ 0.247
Journal Type: Open Access

Creative Commons License


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(January, 2025) of IJER has been published and hardcopies have been sent to authors.